Earth Boy - Latin America

My Speak Spanish


Spanish Program

Learn Spanish with Professional Native ​Speaking tutors

Why Learnng with US

  • Learn practical, real-world language with a certified native speaker coach: we work with professional ​native speakers, so you will enjoy flawless pronunciations and natural accents. We also use real-world ​conversations to teach you the most important grammar and vocabulary, while your tutor would help you ​to learn how the language works.

  • Speak, understand, read, and write in Spanish: we’ll teach you and reinforce all aspects of your new ​language, using different proven strategies to help you improve quickly.

  • Get over your fear of speaking: the tools, lesson materials and your personal tutor will get you speaking ​Spanish with confidence, and you will get used to making those unfamiliar noises and shapes with your ​mouth, to speak Spanish loudly and with passion.

  • Refine your pronunciation: Your tutor will check your pronunciation and show you where you need to ​improve, guiding you with specific steps and tips and this program will provide you audio files with ​thousands of words and phrases, as well as the techniques you need.

  • Learn on the go: our materials online and downloadable will help you make the most of your time. Also, you ​can schedule your tutoring sessions at your convenience, and have them on your phone, tablet or computer ​anywhere you are.

  • This program will give you more learning material than most other courses out there. We cover more ​ground, in more depth, with more tools to help you along the way. And the professionalism and experience ​of our trainers will help you to achieve your goal of speaking Spanish well and get to know and enjoy more ​about the Latin American culture.

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(386) 601-9292‬

Female teacher during online lesson in classroom

Our Services

What do you get with this program?

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Tailored Coaching: Engage with a skilled, ​native-speaking tutor for personalized ​sessions tailored to your schedule.

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Four levels with online materials

  1. Foundations
  2. High Structure
  3. Refinement
  4. Advance conversations
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Quizzes, additional practices as needed ​and a Written-Verbal Test after every ​level.

Man in Blue Sweater Sitting Beside Woman in Gray Blazer

Learning Plans

Monthly subscription fee ​for 4 personalized tutoring ​sessions, with online ​lesson materials, quizzes ​and email support.

(sessions have to be use ​within the month of p​urchase, they won’t ​rollover)

- Gold Plan

$129 monthly

Monthly subscription fee ​for 8 personalized tutoring ​sessions, with online ​lesson materials, quizzes ​and email support.

(sessions have to be use ​within the month of ​purchase, they won’t​ rollover)​

- Platinum

$249 monthly

One-time fee, include 16 ​personalized tutoring ​sessions, online lesson ​materials, including ​quizzes and email support.

You can set your own ​pace ​to complete a level.

- Level by l​evel

$699 per unit

Contact Us

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(386) 601-9292‬

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Young Woman Wearing Headphones During an Online Class

My Speak ​Spanis​h