My Speak Spanish
Spanish Program
Learn Spanish with Professional Native Speaking tutors
Why Learnng with US
Our Services
What do you get with this program?
Tailored Coaching: Engage with a skilled, native-speaking tutor for personalized sessions tailored to your schedule.
Four levels with online materials
Quizzes, additional practices as needed and a Written-Verbal Test after every level.
Learning Plans
Monthly subscription fee for 4 personalized tutoring sessions, with online lesson materials, quizzes and email support.
(sessions have to be use within the month of purchase, they won’t rollover)
- Gold Plan
$129 monthly
Monthly subscription fee for 8 personalized tutoring sessions, with online lesson materials, quizzes and email support.
(sessions have to be use within the month of purchase, they won’t rollover)
- Platinum
$249 monthly
One-time fee, include 16 personalized tutoring sessions, online lesson materials, including quizzes and email support.
You can set your own pace to complete a level.
- Level by level
$699 per unit
Contact Us
(386) 601-9292
My Speak Spanish